Extreme Makeover: Member Benefits Edition

When is the last time you looked at your member benefits to see what is working, is missing, and is solving a problem?

Let’s start by setting the foundation to understand why member benefits programs are important to associations and how priorities for members have shifted over time (and why you need to shift to meet them!)Published October 26, 2023

When is the last time you looked at your member benefits to see what: 


Up10 Solutions is here to give you a head start on revamping your member benefits. Over the next few weeks, look out for a series of emails, where we will share insights on successful member benefit programs, easy makeover solutions, and even some out of the box ideas! 

Let’s start by setting the foundation to understand why member benefits programs are important to associations and how priorities for members have shifted over time (and why you need to shift to meet them!) 

What makes a GREAT member benefit? 

  • Attracts new members 
  • Engages existing members 
  • Retains existing members 

What are the main reasons members join associations? 

  • Networking with others in the field (63%) 
  • Continuing education or certification (37%) 
  • Access to specialized or current information (32%)

*Source: MGI, 2021 

How have member priorities shifted? 

In the 2021 study above, members focused on bigger picture areas that involved understanding and protecting their industry. BUT, 2022 data suggests a shift in member priorities: Benefits that impact an individual’s career – including job opportunities and help with career advancement – have risen in importance. These benefits were once top priorities for members early in their career, but now they are also critical for mid-careerists. 

WHY does any of this matter? 

Associations must focus on communicating the relevance of benefits and how they play a useful role in everyday life. If you haven’t made this shift in priorities, you will be at risk of losing existing members AND not being relevant to attract new ones. 

Check your inbox next week for 10 Easy Member Benefit Makeover Ideas to get your revamp started!